Thyrd Release History

Release notes for the Thyrd visual programming language.

v0.3.0     2010-07-05

The second public release of Thyrd. The code is a bit more stable, but the UI still needs lots of work. Problems with Tkzinc, which appears to no longer be under active development, have prevented Thyrd from running on Linux or OSX. This version runs with the 3.3.4 Windows binary of Tkzinc available from Attempts to compile and use the 3.3.6 Tkzinc under Linux show some progress, but it crashes very easily. It would be worthwhile to try to get it to run with 3.3.6 on OSX.

Most of the warnings below still apply. Back up your .3rd file frequently, the interpreter can easily trash it. There are a few examples in the examples/ directory, the files that begin with "space" are complete spaces that can be opened in Thyrd directly.

This release includes the very beginnings of a new implementation of Thyrd: an Erlang interpreter serving a web-based client written, probably, in JavaScript. The goal is both a better UI and a parallel implementation of the interpreter. The client/ and server/ dirs in this release are where this development will take place. Ideas and volunteers welcome. The open discussion forum at SourceForge is a good place to talk about the next version.

Note: this version appears to work under Wine 1.2 on Linux (Ubuntu, at least), except for a problem with the dialog for selecting a thyrdspace file. If you supply the filename on the command line, as in "wine Thyrd.exe space.3rd", it should work (space.3rd doesn't need to exist yet).

v0.2.0     2008-11-30

The initial public release of Thyrd. The focus of this release is on documenting Thyrd via the screencasts and the draft paper. The code is just stable enough to make it through the screencasts. You can play around with the code to get a feel for Thyrd programming.

This code is under active development and subject to sudden and whimsical changes. There is no guarantee that anything about the language will remain constant or that it is useful for any purpose. Use at your own risk.

Here's a list of major bugs/limitations:

  • Crashes are likely, and sometimes a crash can leave your .3rd file corrupted. I often save a copy of my .3rd file before opening it, and I often start over with an empty file. If I'm working on a program, I save it by exporting it (navigate to the topmost cell, use the Cell>Export menu) frequently. I haven't written many programs yet--essentially, you're getting to play with Thyrd programming as soon as I am.
  • In the cell editor, editing and navigating work best with the depth set to 1 and the i axis rightward.
  • Resizing the cell editor using the resize widget in the lower right corner (diagonal lines) works best. Using the frame of the window causes multiple redraws.
  • Grids of moderate size slow down drawing considerably. If you're looking around in /thyrd, where there are some large grids, it's best to have the default grid panel set to "Table" or "Read-only Table" and have paneling on.
  • You can hide the toolbox even when no other windows are open, making it impossible to get any windows open and exit Thyrd (you'll have to use the Windows task manager to kill it). Don't do that.
  • Only a Windows executable is available currently. Thyrd runs under Linux, but the OpenGL support in TkZinc doesn't work, so it looks horrible. I haven't been able to get anything other than the TkZinc demo to run on the Mac, attempts to load the TkZinc package into wish didn't work. If you can help out in either of these areas, please let me know.
  • Lots of things just aren't implemented yet, or aren't easy enough to do. A bunch of opcodes need to be written, in many cases creating the icons would take longer than writing the code. Suggestions and contributions are welcome, please use the forums at SourceForge.